Nurture, Aspire, Believe, Achieve

Contact Us


At Brierley we aim to provide all children with a range of experiences and opportunities to maximise their potential. Throughout the school year there are a huge range of clubs on offer to children at Brierley. Your child will receive a letter at the beginning of each half term which will inform you of the clubs which are currently on offer.  The list of clubs changes regulalry but will often include the folllowing:

Football, Netball, Hockey, Dodgeball, Homework, Athletics, Gymnastics, Cricket, Tag Rugby, Computing, Science and Art.

Each half term the children sign up for a club and places are awarded as fairly as possible taking into account clubs they have previously attended. We are lucky that our teaching and support staff give their time generously. The clubs are provided free of charge. For those children who are unable to stay after school we also offer a selection of lunchtime clubs.

All after-school extra-curricular clubs start at 3.15pm and finish at 4.00pm (unless otherwise stated). If your child is given a place in a club you will be notified via the SchoolSpider app and it is expected that your child attends their club frequently.


Lets Connect...We Would love to hear from you!

Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham