EYFS 2024 - 2025
Miss Heaton
Miss Dunn
Welcome to Early Years
Our year group author is Julia Donaldson and we are enjoying reading many of her books.
Meet the Team
Miss Byford (Nursery Teacher)
Miss Latham (Reception Teacher)
Mrs Piggot (Teaching Assistant)
Miss McGinley (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Bradshaw (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Lomas (Teaching Assistant)
For more information about what we will be covering this year, please click on the file below to view our long term plan overview.
There are multiple websites that your child could use at home and will be using within class:
- https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
- BBC iPlayer - Numberblocks
- Early Number Sense - I See Maths
Reading in EYFS
Share books are sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Monday. These books are for you to share and enjoy together. We encouraging reading and discussing the book with questions such as “how is this character feeling?” and “what do you think will happen next?” We encourage ‘book talk’ which involves talking about the title, front cover, back cover and blurb of the book. Reception children will bring an appropriately matched phonics book home with them to read daily.
General reminders for parents
- The children will be doing PE everyday.
- Please name everything!
- We love to take our learning outside whenever possible so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for this.
- A spare change of clothes with your child’s name inside is always useful to have in school.