



Contact Us

Head Teacher


On behalf of all the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Brierley Primary School website. Choosing the right primary school for your child can be one of the hardest decisions that we as parents have to make…and it can feel a little daunting.

All schools (including us) say the same things – ‘We provide a safe and secure environment’, ‘We believe in close links with parents’ etc. Whilst it is true that all schools are similar in wanting the best for the children in their care, it is also true that all schools are unique. We do it the way we think is best…and people seem to like it. Our school is all about our children and their learning, but we also invest a vast amount of time in making sure that the professionals who work with them are able to keep their skills sharp.

Everyone at Brierley works very hard to make our school a happy and creative place for the children to flourish and grow. We aim to provide our children with skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. We believe in traditional values but we are always aware that we are preparing the children for today and tomorrow (not yesterday). Our emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills and teaching children how to improve their own learning and how to live harmoniously with others.

The primary years of education are the most important in a child’s learning journey and at the centre of their future development. It is a time when we aim to nurture in children a lifelong love of learning. In leading children on this journey we pride ourselves on making the route fun, exciting and enjoyable.

Thank you for your interest in our school. We are very proud of all our children and staff.  If you would like to visit the school or to ask any questions please contact us for an informal chat.

Mrs McIntosh

Head Teacher

Vision And Ethos

Nurture, Aspire, Believe, Achieve

Our mission statement is ‘Nurture, Aspire, Believe, Achieve’. Our vision is simple, we want all of our children, our staff, our families and our community to feel nurtured so that they may aspire to be better, aspire to be learners, aspire to be leaders and most importantly they need to believe that they can be all that they want to be in order to achieve.

From the moment you walk into the school, this philosophy is tangible.

At Brierley:

  • The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects everyone involved within the school community to share in this commitment
  • The school is proud to be a warm and welcoming school where we value the uniqueness of everyone and work with our community to develop the full potential of every child
  • The curriculum is rich, broad, balanced and relevant for all
  • Every child is given opportunities and encouragement to achieve his or her maximum potential in all aspects of school life
  • Respect, tolerance and understanding towards oneself, all other people and the world in which we live is embedded
  • Pupils become confident, lifelong learners and respectful citizens
  • The Healthy School’s philosophy and guidelines are actively promoted and encouraged
  • Governors, staff, parents and pupils work together, valuing each other,  in order to achieve the best for every member of the school community

To achieve these aims we work hard to create a community and environment which encourages everyone to:

  • Feel safe, cared for and valued
  • Be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, religion or beliefs, disability, physical characteristics or any other factors
  • Develop a love of learning and take opportunities to be inspired by and learn from other people
  • Challenge ourselves to achieve our personal best in whatever we are doing
  • Co-operate with and respect others
  • Keep healthy in mind and body by taking regular exercise and understand the principles of a healthy lifestyle
  • Proactively care for the environment in which we live and recognise the effects of non-sustainable practices
  • Take responsibility for our own actions

Lets Connect...We Would love to hear from you!

Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham

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School Games-flag - gold
Inclusion Quality Mark
Financial Management Standard in Schools