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Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mr Williamson

Welcome to Year One

Our year group author is Alan Ahlberg and we are enjoying reading many of his books. 

Meet the Team

Mr Williamson (Class Teacher) 

Ms Cunningham (Class Teacher)

Miss Smith (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Potter (Teaching Assistant)

Ms Piotrowicz (Teaching Assistant)


WOW! What a fantastic start to Key Stage 1 the children have had. The whole team have been impressed with how quickly the children have settled into the new routines how keen they are to learn.

We have lots on inspiring and exciting things to look forward to help us on our learning journey this year. We will become working scientists as we research, report, investigate and question the world around us. As geographers and historians we will look at where we live and how the changes in the past have improved life for us today. We will design and create, nurture and explore and be the best we can be in the exciting year ahead - in all that we do!

This year we will have a Phonics Screening test for all Year 1 children. They are required to take a test to see how they apply their phonics skills when reading words. This includes ‘alien’ words which follow the rules of phonics but are not actual words. This test happens towards the end of the year (usually May) and is delivered to each child individually in a fun and engaging way. The children will undertake ‘mock’ tests that are similar so that they are familiar with the format and, above all, feel comfortable as they experience it. There is a link to a past phonics test below so please take a look so you can get a very good idea as to what it is your children will experience.

There are multiple websites that your child could use at home and will be using within class:

Homework – this will be handed out on a Thursday in their homework folders. This is to be returned the following Thursday unless stated otherwise. As well as homework, children are expected to read every night and have their reading diary signed. Teachers will be checking diaries each week so it is still important that these are signed.

Reading in Year 1- Your child will bring home a reading book and diary.  There will also be a share book. This is a book that your child is not expected to read but you can enjoy together with adult support. We ask that our parents and carers find at least ten minutes each night to read with their child.  When your child reads at home, please sign their diary and ask them questions about what they have read to ensure a good understanding of the book. REMEMBER - You can also use this as a writing opportunity. Can they write a sentence about what you have read or what they think might happen next?

General reminders for parents

  • Please make sure your child is wearing the correct, labelled uniform. This includes appropriate footwear. Please tie long hair back. Children are allowed to wear simple gold/silver stud earrings but they must be able to take them out for PE or have them removed before they come to school.
  • The children will be doing PE on Monday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes into school in appropriate PE kit.

Thank you for your continued support. We couldn’t do this without you! 


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Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham